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food for focus

From root to top

for a reduced

food waste


cold and tasty water

still and sparkling


both ecological and  locally produced

Fair Breakfast

a fair beginning of the day

We serve delicious and tasty meals with plenty of vegetables from a beautiful buffet table.

We choose Swedish meat, preferably wild meat and certified fish. In combination with vegetarian dishes.

Thinking Skånskologiskt with a focus on both locally produced and organic is important to us, as well as choosing raw materials with care and by season.

By taking care of the raw materials "from root to top", we reduce food waste. What remains is sorted and becomes biogas.



We serve at least eight Fairtrade products at our breakfast table. Coffee and tea are always Fairtrade-labelled.

Fair Breakfast contributes to improve the living conditions for growers and employees in developing countries.

Palm oil is an environmental disaster. 

The destruct of rainforests is just one factor. We avoid palm oil and replace it with more locally produced oil.

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